Hyo Youl Moon
Seoul National University 71-1, 407, 1 Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul 08826
☎ 02-880-7802,
- 2017.3 ~ Current : Assistant Professor, Seoul National University, Department of physical education
- 2013.8 ~ 2017.2 : Post-Doc. National Institutes of Aging (NIA/NIH), Baltimore, MD, USA
- 2012.9 ~ 2013.7 : Post-Doc. Ulsan National Institutes of Science and Technology, Ulsan, Republic of Korea
- 2006.9 ~ 2012.8 : Ph D. School of Interdisciplinary Bioscience and Bioengineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang, Republic of Korea
- 1999.3 ~ 2003.2 : B.S., Department of Physical Education, Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Recent research
- The Effect of Exercise on Depression & Exosome – Identify the Inflammation & neurogenesis marker in brain / Behavior of depression.
- Exercise-induced phenotype in Aged mice – Identify the Exercise & Aging effect on Lipid, immune cell and inflammation marker
- The Effect of lactate consumption on maintaining executive function after acute high intensity interval exercise in adult men – Identify the relationship between brain energy ‘lactate’ and Executive function
Rescent research result & Published parper
Academic Activity
Henriette van praag ( 2019. 09. 13 ~ 09. 17 )
Takashi Matsui ( 2018. 08. 23 ~ 08. 26)
Conference Attendance & Presentation
- The 99th KAHPERD conference (2018. 10. 11 ~ 10. 12) – Exercise-induced AMPK activation is involved in delay of skeletal muscle senescence Kyeong Jin Yoon, Didi Zhang, Seok-Jin Kim, Min-Chul Lee, Hyo Youl Moon (2018), kahperd, Iksan, Korea
- The 40th KSEN conference ( 2019. 05. 17 ~ 05. 18 ) – Exercise-induced extracellular vesicles(EVs) triggers physiological changes in multi-targeted cells (unpublished)
Kyeong Jin Yoon, Wonsang Lee, Hae Sung Cho, Hyo Youl Moon Korean Society for Exercise Nutrition, Chuncheon, Korea,