Research Areas
Role of recreation and physical activity for individuals with disabilities
Program development for population with special needs
Ethical treatment and decision making in adapted physical activity and recreation
Adapted Physical Activity, Diagnostic Groups in Adapted Physical Activity, Program Design in Adapted Physical Activity, Special Topics in Adapted Physical Activity, Research in Adapted Physical Activity, Bicycle and Sport Science
- B. S., Myong-Ji University, Seoul, Korea
Sports and Leisure Studies - M. S., Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL
Recreation, Park, and Tourism Administration - Ph.D., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
Recreation & Leisure Studies
Professional Career
- Associate Professor, Seoul National University, 2014 – Present
- Assistant Professor, Seoul National University, 2012 – 2013
- Assistant Professor, University of Toledo, 2008 – 2011
- Adjunct Faculty member in Gerontology, University of Regina, 2007 – Present
- Assistant Professor, University of Regina, 2005 – 2008
- Instructor, University of Minnesota, Spring, 2004 – 2005​
[Peer-reviewed journal papers]
- Lee, K., Jung, T., Lee, D., Lim, J-C., Lee, E., Jung, Y., & Lee, Y(corresponding author).
- (in press). A comparison of using the DSM-5 and MABC-2 for estimating the developmental coordination disorder prevalence in Korean children. Research in Developmental Disabilities
- Ryuh, Y., Choi, P., Oh, J., Chen, C-C., & Lee, Y(corresponding author). (2019). Impact
- of inclusive soccer program on psychosocial development of children with and without intellectual disabilities. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 31, 691-705.
- Joung, H. J., & Lee, Y(corresponding author). (2019). Effect of creative dance on fitness, functional balance, and mobility control in the elderly. Gerontology, 65, 537-546
- Lee, K., Kim, K., Lee, Y., Han, B-S. (2019). A meta-analysis of effectiveness on exercise interventions to improve gait ability in children with cerebral palsy. Korean Journal of Adapted Physical Activity, 27(2), 17-32.
- Kim, D-M., Han, B-S., & Lee, Y(corresponding author). (2019). The comparative study on the information processing speed by the cognitive load of the middle school students with and without developmental coordination disorder. Korean Journal of Adapted Physical Activity, 27(2), 61-70.
- Yim, S., Lee, Y., & Jo, G. (2019). Qualitative research on the process of initiation and adaptation of the people with spinal cord injury in wheelchair rugby team. Korean Journal of Adapted Physical Activity, 27(1), 1-17.
- Joung, H. J., Park, M., & Lee, Y(corresponding author). (2019). Empirical meaning search of people with cerebral palsy who participate in creative dance program. Journal of the Korean Society of Dance Science, 36(1), 75-91.
- Joung, H. J., & Lee, Y(corresponding author). (2018). Psychological well-being, basic psychological need, and social support among Korean wheelchair curling players. International Journal of Human Movement Science, 12(2), 131-143.
- Park, G., Jo, G., & Lee, Y(corresponding author). (2018). A study on the effects of the parent participated dance sports program for children with developmental disabilities and parents. Journal of Exercise and Sport Science, 29(4), 707-715.
- Lee, Y., & Shin, H. (2018). Exploration of parents’ perception towards discontinuation of the participants in adapted physical education class in Korea. International Journal of Sport, 3(1), 1-10.
- Jo, G., Rossow-Kimball, B., & Lee, Y(corresponding author). (2018). Effects of 12-week combined exercise program on self-efficacy, physical activity level, and health related physical fitness of adults with intellectual disability. Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation,14(2), 175-182.
- Jo, G., Rossow-Kimball, B., & Lee, Y(corresponding author). (2018). Effects of virtual reality exercise for Korean elderly with schizophrenia in a closed ward. Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation, 14(1), 39-48.
- Yim, S., Kim, D., & Lee, Y(corresponding author). (2018). The effect of adapted golf program on visual perception and attention of student with intellectual disability. Korean Journal of Adapted Physical Activity, 26(1), 1-16.
- Jo, G., & Lee, Y(corresponding author). (2018). An exploratory study on the present state of adapted physical activity in North Korea. Review of North Korean Studies, 21(1), 54-94.
- Rhyu, H., Lee, Y., Lee, Y. S. (2018). Developing a scale for measuring the constrains in sports welfare of the neglected class. Korea Society for Wellness, 13(2), 129-140.
- Joung, H., Kim, S., Rho, W., & Lee, Y(corresponding author). (2017). Developing and evaluating of a creative dance program to improve physical performance, strength, and balance for the elderly women in rural community. Korean Journal Adapted Physical Activity, 25(4), 109-131.
- Lee, Y., Hong, H., & Joung, H. (2017). The effects of community dance on motor ability in students with intellectual disabilities: A pilot study. Journal of Korean Society of Dance Science, 34(4), 1-17.
- Joung, H., & Lee, Y(corresponding author). (2017). A practical strategy on dance education for the implementation of inclusive education. The Journal of Inclusive Education, 12(2), 167-197.
- Malloy, D. C., Sevigny, P., Fahey-McCarthy, E., Lee, Y., Murakami, M., Walsh, A., & Hadjistavropoulos, T. (2017). An international study of nurses’ ethical ideology and religiosity. Journal of Community & Public Health Nursing, 3(2)
- Kim, D., & Lee, Y(corresponding author). (2017). The effects of adapted golf program on motor performance and timing ability of adolescents with intellectual disability. Korean Journal of Adapted Physical Activity, 25(3), 1-12.
- Choo, S., Jo, G., & Lee, Y(corresponding author). (2017). A study on the effects of parent participated aquatic exercise program for children with developmental disability. Research in Special Education, 24(1), 111-141.
- Nam, S., Lee, K., Kim, S., Lee, Y., & Kim, M. (2017). A preliminary study of reaction time in Korean children with developmental coordination disorder. The Korean Journal of Elementary Physical Education, 22(4), 47-58.
- Joung, H., Kim, D., Jo, G., & Lee, Y(corresponding author). (2016). Exploring process of adherence to participation in physical activity among people with developmental disability: focus group study of parents of children with developmental disability. Korean Journal of Adapted Physical Activity, 24(4), 133-149.
- Lee, K., Choi, H., Kim, D., & Lee, Y(corresponding author). (2016). Adaptation, reliability and validity of the Korean version of developmental coordination disorder questionnaire 2007. Korean Journal of Adapted Physical Activity, 24(1), 99-110
- Jo, G., & Lee, Y(corresponding author). (2016). Exploring adaptation process to teaching physical education class among entry level special school teacher. Research in Special Education, 23(1), 20-39.
- Lee, K., & Lee, Y(corresponding author). (2015). Study on perception and attitude of students without disability toward students with disability and meaning of their physical activity participation following the afterschool adapted physical activity volunteer program: Case study. Korean Journal of Adapted Physical Activity, 23(3), 83-101.
- Park, G., Jo, G., & Lee, Y(corresponding author). (2015). The effects of bilateral training using virtual reality program on children with cerebral palsy. Korean Journal of Adapted Physical Activity, 23(3), 103-117.
- Malloy, D. C., Fahey-McCarthy, E., Murakami, M., Lee, Y., Choi, E., Hirose, E., & Hadjistavropoulos, T. (2015). Finding meaning in the work of nursing: An international study. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 20(3).
- Lee, Y. (2014). Code of ethics and ethics education as a means to resolve ethical issues in adapted physical activity in Korea. Korean Journal of Adapted Physical Activity, 22(2), 119-128.
- Lee, Y., & Kim, K. (2013). Tai Chi as fall prevention intervention: An in-depth review of randomized controlled trials and suggestion to Taekwondo. Journal of the Korean Academy of Kinesiology, 15(1), 1-12
- Lee, Y., Henningfeld, A. G., & Tabourne, C. E. S. (2012). Life Review Program as a therapeutic recreation modality. Annual in Therapeutic Recreation, 20, 59-67.
- Lee, Y., Cripps, D., Malloy, D. C., & Cox, S. (2011). Codes of ethics: Is it time to Reconsider? Annual in Therapeutic Recreation, 19, 139-148.
- Lee, Y., Tabourne, C. E. S., & Harris, J. E. (2010). Effects of Dancing Heart Program (DHP) as therapeutic recreation intervention on risk of falling among community dwelling elderly. Annual in Therapeutic Recreation, 18, 157-163
- Malloy, D. C., Hadjistavropoulos, T., Fahey McCarthy, E., Zakus, D. H., Park, I., Lee, Y., & Williamson, J. (2009). Culture, organizational climate and ontology: An international study of nurses’ insights into their relationship with physicians. Nursing Ethics, 16(6), 719-733
- Malloy, D. C., Sevigny, P., Hadjistavropoulos, T., Jeyaraj, M., Fahey McCarthy, E., Murakami, M., Paholpak, S., Lee, Y., & Park, I. (2009). Perceptions of medical codes of ethics: An international study of physicians. Medicine, Health Care, & Philosophy, 12, 373-383
- Park, J., Lee, S., & Lee, Y., Lim, R. (2008). The difference of leisure activities attitude between Korea and America students according to characteristics. Journal of Sport and Leisure Studies, 32, 1333-1342.
- Lee, Y., Tabourne, C. E. S., & Yoon, J. (2008). Life Review Program as a therapeutic recreation intervention for Korean elderly with Alzheimer’s disease: Qualitative analysis. Annual in Therapeutic Recreation, 16, 171-180.
- Lee, Y., Tabourne, C. E. S., & Yoon, J. (2008). Effects of Life Review Program on emotional well-being of Korean elderly with Alzheimer’s disease: Quantitative analysis. American Journal of Recreation Therapy, 7, 35-45.
- Lee, Y. (2008). Effects of exercise on falls: Implication for therapeutic recreation providers. Therapeutic Recreation Ontario Research Annual, 6, 17-27.
- Kim, C., Kim, J., Lee, Y., & Jung, H. (2007). Coordination and self-organization from the dynamic systems perspective. The Journal of Korean Alliance of Martial Arts, 9, 1-13.
[Books and Chapters]
- Lee, Y. (in press). Life review program. In Recreational Therapy Handbook of Practice: ICF-Based Diagnosis and Treatment
- Yoon, J., Lee, Y., & Kwon, J. (2006). Life review program: Therapeutic recreation protocol, Seoul, Korea: Korean Therapeutic Recreation Association.
- Tabourne, C. E. S., Lee, Y., & Yoon, J. (2006). Effects of life review program on older Korean’s emotional well-being. In: Abstract of the ATRA’s Annual Conference, Orlando, FL.
- Tabourne, C. E. S., & Lee, Y. (2003). Cultural competency to promote coexistence in society. In: Abstracts of the 14th International Symposium for Adapted Physical Activity (ISAPA), Seoul, Korea.
[Peer-reviewed conference papers]
- Yang, H., An, D., & Lee, Y. (2011). Hands and health: The use of clapping and hand massage techniques. Illinois Recreational Therapy Association Annual Conference. Alsip, IL.
- Lee, Y., & Yang, H. (2011). TR code of ethics: Is it time to re-consider? Illinois Recreational Therapy Association Annual Conference. Alsip, IL.
- Longsdorf, E., Lee, Y., & Groves, B. (2011). Ethical issues in research and practice in TR. Midwest symposium on Therapeutic Recreation and Adapted Physical Activity. St. Louise, MO.
- Kim, K., Lee, Y., Bae, Y & Woo, O (2010). Taekwondo as a TR intervention for fall prevention, NRPA Annul Conference, Minneapolis, MN
- Kim, K., Han, K., & Lee, Y. (2010) Antecedents of Customer Satisfaction in Recreational Sport Centers. NIRSA Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA.
- Lee, Y., & Kim, K. (2009). Tai Chi and dance: Successful physical activities for the elderly. In National Therapeutic Recreation Society session (NTRS), National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) Annual Congress, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Groves, B., Olson Jr., R. H., Lee, Y., & Loar L. (2009). An analysis of professional job opportunities in mid-western camps serving the disabled. Midwest symposium on Therapeutic Recreation and Adapted Physical Activity. St. Louise, MO.
- Lee, Y., Malloy, D. C., & Yang, H. (2008). International study of the influence of medical codes of ethics among health care profession: Preliminary findings and implication to therapeutic recreation. American Therapeutic Recreation Association (ATRA) Annual conference, Reno, NV.
- Lee, Y. (2008). Effects of exercise as therapeutic intervention on falls: Systematic literature review on randomized controlled trial. The 7th World Congress on Aging and Physical Activity, Tsukuba, Japan.
- Malloy, D. C., Hadjistavropoulos, T., Fahey McCarthy, E. D., Zakus, H., Park, I., & Lee, Y. (2008). Ethical culture and ethical voices: An international study of nurses. 2nd Annual Interdisciplinary Conference, Saskatoon, SK, Canada.
- Lee, Y., Tabourne, C. E. S., & Bourassa, C. (2007) Effects of Life Review Program on emotional well-being of Aboriginal elderly. In National Therapeutic Recreation Society session (NTRS), National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) Annual Congress, Indianapolis, IN.
- Lee, Y., & Lee, S. (2007). Strategies for successful internship in U.S.A: Case of healthcare Services. Global International Internship Congress, Daegu, Korea (Accepted for the presentation).
- Lee, Y., & Tabourne, C. E. S. (2006). Preventing Falls through Physical Activity and Leisure Education. In National Therapeutic Recreation Society session (NTRS), National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) Annual Congress, Seattle, WA.
- Tabourne, C. E. S., & Lee, Y. (2006). On-line course in TR: Reminiscence intervention.
- American Therapeutic Recreation Association (ATRA) Annual conference, Orlando, FL.
- Lee, Y., & Tabourne, C. E. S. (2006). Effects of Life Review Program on emotional well-being of Korean elderly with Alzheimer’s disease: Quantitative analysis. In American Therapeutic Recreation Association (ATRA) Annual conference, Orlando, FL.
- Tabourne, C. E. S., & Lee, Y. (2005). Fear of falling: Participants’ Perceptions of Benefits of the Dancing Heart Program. In National Therapeutic Recreation Society session (NTRS), National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) Annual Congress, San Antonio, TX.
- Tabourne, C. E. S., & Lee, Y. (2005). On-line course in TR: Reminiscence intervention. In Therapeutic Recreation Educators’ Conference (TREC 2005).
- Tabourne, C. E. S., & Lee, Y. (2005). The plums and pits of teaching & learning reminiscence interventions in an on-line course. In SPRE Teaching Institute 2005, Sacramento, CA.
- Tabourne, C. E. S., Lee, Y., & Yoon, J. (2004). Life Review Program in Korea. In National Therapeutic Recreation Society session (NTRS), National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) Annual Congress, Reno, NV.
- Tabourne, C. E. S., Lee, Y., & Yoon, J. (2004). Effect of Life Review Program on older Korean’s emotional well-being. American Therapeutic Recreation Association Annual Conference, Kansas City, MO.
- Tabourne, C. E. S., & Lee, Y. (2003). Cultural competency to promote coexistence in society. The 14th International Symposium for Adapted Physical Activity (ISAPA), Seoul, Korea.
- Lee, Y. (2002). Increase your cultural competency in therapeutic recreation. In National Therapeutic Recreation Society session (NTRS), National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) Annual Congress, Tampa, FL.
- Lee. Y. (2006). International therapeutic recreation: Therapeutic recreation in Canada. In American Therapeutic Recreation Association (ATAR) Annual Conference, Orlando, FL.
- Lee, Y. (2006). Higher education and cultural competency in TR in Canada. Presented at Saskatchewan Therapeutic Recreation Services General meeting, Saskatoon, SK.
- Lee, Y. (2005). Therapeutic Recreation: Nature and its contribution to the field, individuals, and society. Presented at California State University, Sacramento, Sacramento, CA.
- Lee, Y. (2004). Life review program and therapeutic recreation. Presented at DaeHan (Korean) Therapeutic Recreation Workshop, DaeGu, Korea.
- Principal investigator, “Development of a physical activity program to improve the life skill of adults with intellectual disabilities” Grant awarded from Korean Research Foundation, 2019-2022, $75,000
- Principal investigator, “Development of physical activity program for adolescents with developmental coordination disorder on their school performance” Grant awarded from Korean Research Foundation, 2016-2019, $75,000
- Principal investigator, “Development and application of evidence based “SHAKE program” Grant awarded from Seoul National University, 2015-2018, $130,000
- Principal investigator, “ Development of Community dance program for elderly in rural area of Korea” Grant awarded from City of Soonchang, 2016, $23,000
- Co-investigator, “Case study of accident in sports facility” Grant awarded from Korean Sports Promotion Foundation , 2016, $50,000
- Principal investigator, “Development of physical activity program for individuals with special needs” Grant awarded from Korean Research Foundation, 2014-2016, $25,000
- Co-investigator, “3D measurement of body posture of older Koreans” Grant awarded from Korean Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, 2014, $450,000
- Co-Chair, “The 11th Canadian Therapeutic Recreation Association (CTRA) Annual Conference 2007” Conference fund awarded from University of Regina, 2006, $5,000
- Principal investigator, “Effects of Life Review Program on emotional well-being of Aboriginal elderly” Grant awarded from University of Regina, 2006, $3,822
- Principal investigator, “Effects of Life Review Program for Korean Elders with Alzheimer Disease on Their Emotional Well-Being.” Grant awarded by Daehan Therapeutic Recreation Association , 2004, $2,000
- Collaborative investigator with Tabourne, C. E. S., “Dancing Heart Project, Fear of Falling: Participants’ Perceptions of Benefits of the Dancing Heart Program.” Grant awarded by Jay and Rose Phillips Family Foundation, 2004, $5,587.
- Principal investigator, Study on Code of Ethics in therapeutic recreation submitted to Summer Research Grant at the University of Toledo, 2008, $11,942
- Principal investigator, “Effects of Life Review Program for Korean Elders with Alzheimer Disease on Their Emotional Well-Being.” Grant proposal submitted to the Graduate School, University of Minnesota, October, 2004, $4,800
- Collaborative investigator with Tabourne, C. E. S., “Life Review Program.” Grant proposal submitted to MetLife Foundation, October, 2004, $5,800