Campus Activities

Scholarship Award Ceremony

In the beginning of each semester, Scholarship Award Ceremony is held to celebrate students who excelled in grades from previous semester. The ceremony starts off the new semester as it also provides a gathering of faculty and students who were not in touch during school breaks as well as to boost academic excellence to the student body.

Freshmen Welcoming Track and Meet

Held in March of every year, it provides a gathering to welcome the incoming freshmen and provides an opportunity for them to interact with faculty and senior classmates who will aid them in adapting to university life. At the Freshmen Welcoming Track and Meet, all the students participate in relay, basketball, indoor soccer and other activities to fraternize with other students.

Body.Mind.Knowledge Walk

Body.Mind.Knowledge Walk is held in the beginning of fall semester. The entire student body gets the chance to interact with nature away from the campus and boost morale. Body.Mind.Knowledge Walk includes hiking, trekking, and student talent show as its main events and further allows student and faculty to communicate freely.

Graduating Class Farewell Track and Meet

The Graduating Class Farewell Track and Meet is participated by the graduating class and current students in various activities which bids the graduating class farewell and provides a gathering for interactions between students.

Athletic Club Activities

Most student of Physical Education exercises weekly in many of Seoul National University’s athletic clubs. Athletic clubs allow student to interact with diverse groups of peers and learn sports related experiences and knowledges.