Prof. : Lee, Yong Ho
Office : Bld. 71-1 Rm. 411
Phone : 02-880-7762
Email :
Bicycle and Sports Science
Topics in Adapted Physical Activity for People with Disability
Diagnostic groups in Adapted Physical Activity
Physical education for the Disabled
Academic Training
Bachelor of Social Physical Education at Myongji Univ.
Master of Western Illinois Univ.
Doctor of Univ. of Minesota
Academic Appointments
Assistant Professor, Univ. Of Regina, 2005-2008
Assistant Professor, Univ. of Toledo, 2008-2011
Professor, Seoul National Univ., Current
Field of Studies
- Rehabilitation Movement for the Elderly and Disabled
- Inclusive Sport
- Improvement in Health
- Fall Prevention etc.
Recent Researches
- Development of parents supported adapted physical activity program to promote physical activity for children with disabilities (2015.5~2016.4, The Department of Education)
- Development and application of evidence based afterschool physical activity program protocol for children with disabilities (2015.6~2018.5, Seoul National University)
- Development and Validation of the Rural Community Dance Program for the Elderly in Sunchang Region (2016.6~2017.5, Sunchang Health Longevity Research Institute)
- Development and Application of Health Programs for Adult Development Disorder Persons (2018.4~2018.12, Gangdong-gu Community Health Center)
- Development and Application of Program for the underprivileged of Physical Education (a child with developmental disorder, Youth and Adults) (2015.4~present, Seoul Sports Association for the Differently abled)
- Developing Physical Activity Program for Healthy School Life of Children with Development Coordination Disorder (2016.5~present, The Department of Education)
- A Study on the Rehabilitation Project in 2019 as an area linked to high school and college (2019.04~2019.12, Civil Service)
- Development of a Physical Activity Program to Improve the Life Skill of Adult with Intellectual Disabilities (2019.07 ~ 2021.07, The Department of Education)
SNU FUN & KICK(Old Name : Physical Activity Program for Children with Disability)
- A.P.E. research unit has been running a program called ‘Physical Activity Program for Children with Disability’ since 1997. It was renamed as ‘SNU Fun & Kick’ in 2011.
- Fun Program(children class) and Kick Program(teenager & adult class) are operated by over 60 students, including students majoring in APA and undergraduate volunteers, under guidance of professors.
- Based on the theory of learning according to the curriculum of physical education, it provides all development programs beyond simple treatment and education.
- Changing the perception of people with disabilities, providing the community with sustainable living and physical education environment for the people with disabilities.
- This is based on: (1) Case of SNU Fun & Kick’s successful program operation, (2) The program development of parents involving with their children with disabilities regarding physical activities for last three years(Yong-ho Lee, 2016), (3) The development and application of Evidence-based Physical education program protocol for Children with Disabilities(Yong-ho Lee, 2017)
- This program provides empirical evidence for participating ‘families’ to learn the value of physical activities. It greatly influences the actual participants(kids) in a positive way.
- SNU Comm consists of 34 people, and they are 15 kids, 15 kids’ families, and four instructors. This program provides physical activity that considers characteristic of our elementary students.
- The kids will experience change of psychology, verbal/non-verbal communication, social interaction, and motor development.
- The purpose of the program is to help bring about an optimistic change in a daily life by enjoying physical activities and to expand the base of ‘Adapted Physical Activity’ in the region.
Research Paper
- A Study on the Effects of the Parent Participated Aquatic Exercise Program for Children with Developmental Disability (2017). Journal of Special Education, 24(1), pp 111-141.
- The Effects of Adapted golf program on Motor performance and Timing ability of adolescents with Intellectual Disabilities (2017). Journal of adapted physical activity and exercise, 25(3), pp 1-12.
- The Effects of Community Dance on Motor Ability in Students with Intellectual Disabilities : A Pilot Study (2017). Official Journal of the Koeran Society of Dance Science, 34(4), pp 2-27.
- A Practical Strategy on Dance Education for the Implement of Inclusive Education (2017). The Journal of Inclusive Education, 12(2), pp 167-197.
- An exploratory Study on The Present State of Adapted Physical Activity in the North Korea (2018). Review of North Korean Studies, 21(1).
- The Effect of Adapted golf program on Visual perception and Attention of student with Intellectual Disability (2018). Journal of adapted physical activity and exercise, 26(1), pp 109-132.
- Qualitative Research on the Process of Initiation and Adaptation of the People with spinal Cord Injury in Wheelchair Rugby Team (2019). Journal of adapted physical activity and exercise, 27(1), pp 1-17.
- A Meta-Analysis of effectiveness on exercise interventions to improve gait ability in children with cerebral palsy (2019). Journal of adapted physical activity and exercise, 27(2), pp 17-32.