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Choonghoon Lim Professor

MajorSports Consumer Behavior, Sports Marketing
OfficeBldg 71-1, Rm 509
Research Areas
Sport Management / Sport Marketing / Sport Consumer Behavior
Sport Communication / Sport Public Relations / Sport Information Systems / Sport Marketing Communications / Research Methods
  • B. S., Seoul National University
    Physical Education
  • M. S., Illinois State University
    Leisure Management and Sport Tourism
    Sport Marketing and Sport Management
  • Ph. D., University of Maryland
    Sport Marketing and Communication
    Sport Consumer Behavior
Professional Career
  • Associate Professor: Seoul National University : 2014~ Present
  • Editorial Board, International Journal of Human Movement Science of Korean Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance
  • Editorial Board, Research in Dance and Physical Education
  • Academic and International Director, Human Movement Science of Korean Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, ~ 2019
  • International Director, Korean Society for Sport Management, ~ 2019
  • Associate Professor: Indiana University at Bloomington : 2012~2013
  • Assistant Professor: Indiana University at Bloomington : 2007~2012
[Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals]
  1. Chang, J., Lim, C. H., Jang, W. S., & Oh, I. (2021). Team Competence and Warmth’s Influence on Perceived Value and Media Consumption Intentions: As Moderated by Interdependent Self-Construal. Korea Journal of Sports Science, 30(2), 613-634. 
  2. Paek, B., Morse, A., Hutchinson, S., & Lim, C. H. (2020). Examining the relationship for sport motives, relationship quality, and sport consumption intention. Sport Management Review.
  3. Kim, H., Park, B., Lim, C., & Chang, J. (2020). The Influence of Personal Tendencies, Situational Power State, and Social Exclusion on Distinctive Consumption Choice. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 29(3).
  4. Kang, J. H., Lim, C. H., Suh, Y. I., Gang, A. C., & Pedersen, P. M. (2020). Establishing a web-based measurement of aggression (WTCRTT): Examining the validity of a modified Taylor’s competitive reaction time test. International Journal of Applied Sports Sciences, 32(1).
  5. Yang, H. W., Ock, D. K., Song, S. M., & Lim, C. H. (2020). The Effect on Color Modification of Sport Brand Logo for Purchase Intention according to Brand Familiarity. Korea Journal of Sports Science, 29(6), 423-446.
  6. Oh, I., & Lim, C. (2019). Scale development for the consumer perceived value in sports event: Focusing on 2018 Pyeongchang winter Olympics. Korea Journal of Sports Science, 28, 575-588.
  7. Hur, Y., Lim, C., Won, D., & Kwon, S. (2018). Types of brand transgressions and consumers’ moral reasoning strategies on an endorser, Sport Marketing Quarterly, 27, 275-286**.
  8. Lee, M., Poter, M., Lim, C., & Pedersen, M. P., (2018). The effectiveness of advertising embedded in televised sport programming: How team performance influences attitude formation, Sport Marketing Quarterly, 27, 221-235.
  9. Yoo, S., Lim, C., & Chang, J. (2018). Media Portrayal of foreign coaches in Korea and Vietnam, Korean Journal of Communication Studies, 26(4), 27-45**.
  10. Lim, C., Hur, Y., & Song, S. (2018). Sponsorship information reception and processing: Explicit and implicit memory in in-game advertising. Social Behavior and Personality, 46(6), 935-952.
  11. Oh, I., Jung, M., & Lim, C.** (2017). The effect of traditional marketing and experiential marketing on stadium revisit intention and brand equity of professional sport teams: A study of professional baseball game spectator. Korean Journal of Physical Education, 56(5), 403-417
  12. Won, D., Goo, B., Lim, C. **(2017). Crisis communication strategies of professional baseball teams: focusing on message appeal type and message delivery method. Korean Journal of Sport Science, 28(3), 608-622
  13. Ha, J., Chung, J, J., & Lim, C. **(2017). Quality of a mobile sport website: Development and psychometric evaluation of a scale. South African Journal of Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation, 39(2).
  14. Oh, I., Kim, H., & Lim, C.** (2016). Influence of visual attention on A-board advertising awareness in E-Sport: Based on Explicit and Implicit Memories. Korean Journal of Sport Management, 21(5), 45-57.
  15. Lim, C., Kim, K., & Cheong, Y. (2016). Factors affecting sportswear buying behavior: A comparative analysis of luxury vs. regular brands of sportswear. Journal of Business Research.
  16. Walsh, P., Hwang, H., Lim, C., Pedersen, P. M. (2015). Examining the use of professional sport teams as a brand extension strategy in Korean Professional baseball. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 24(4),
  17. Lee, M., Lim, C., Yeo, I, & Pedersen, P. M.** (2015). The marketing of an international match in Asia, The effects of sport commentary and nationalistic sentiments on framing, priming, and consumer behavior, Sport Marketing Quarterly, 24(4).**
  18. Kwak, D.H., Kwon, Y. B., & Lim, C. (2015). Licensing a sport team brand: Effects of team brand cue, performance priming, and product category on multidimensional values and purchase intentions. Journal of Product and Brand Management. 24(3), 198-210.
  19. Lee, M., Ryu, S., Clavio, C. M., Lovell, D., Lim, C., & Pedersen, P. M. (2014). The effect of Twitter on sport fans’ information processing: An analysis of the controversial referee’s decision in the 2012 London Olympic games. International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 15(3), 102-119.
  20. In, S., Lim, C., & Pedersen, P. M. (2014). The ubiquitous sport-mediated space: Sport-mediated screens, doubled illusions, and live spectacles in stadia. Global Sport Business Journal, 2(1), 1-13.
  21. Frederick, E., Lim, C., Chung, J., & Clavio, G. (2013). Determining the effects of sport commentary on viewer perceptions, attitudes, beliefs, and enjoyment through violence justification. Journal of Sport Media, 8(1), 65-86. 
  22. Lim, C., Martin, T., & Pedersen, P. M. (2013). Psychological factors associated with motivation of mediated Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) consumption: A structural model of risk taking, aggression, identification, and motivation. International Journal of Sport Management, 14(4), 379-402.
  23. Lim, C., Lee, W., & Pedersen, P. M., (2013). Investigative the moderating role of sport service type and personality on audiences’ emotional responses to hedonic vs. cognitive advertisement. Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science, 23(1), 55-71.
  24. Frederick, E. L., Lim, C., Clavio, G. E., Pedersen, P. M., & Burch, L. M. (2012). Choosing between the one-way or two-way street: An exploration of relationship promotion by professional athletes on Twitter. Communication and Sport, 1(1).1-20.
  25. Frederick, E. L., Lim, C., Clavio, G., & Walsh, P. (2012). Why we follow: An examination of parasocial interaction and fan motivations for following athlete archetypes on Twitter, International Journal of Sport Communication, 5(4), 481-502.
  26. Witkemper, C., Lim, C., & Waldburger, A. (2012). Social media and sports marketing: Examining the motivations and constraints of twitter users. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 21(3), 170-183
  27. Lim, C., Chung, J., & Pedersen, P. M. (2012). Effects of electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) messages. Sport Management International Journal, 8(1), 55-75.
  28. Lim, C., Chung, J., Fredrick, E., & Pedersen, P. M. (2012). Investigating the influence of past football experience, and perceived football knowledge on attitude, credibility, expertise and trustworthiness, and future search intention. Journal of Contemporary Athletics, 6(1), 1-16.
  29. Brewer, R. M., Pedersen, P. M., Lim, C., & Clerkin, T. A. (2011). Examining the value of sport clubs: A cross-sectional intrinsic valuation of NCAA football bowl subdivision (FBS) Football programs. International Journal of Applied Sports Science, 23, 351-370.
  30. Lim, C., & Lee, W., (2011). Investigating the role of personality trait on gambling behavior. Sports Science Review, 5, 21-32.
  31. Zimmerman, M. H., Clavio, G. E., & Lim, C., (2011). Set the agenda like Beckham: A professional sports league’s use of YouTube to disseminate messages to its users. International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 10, 180-195. 
  32. Lee, W., Lim, C., & Pedersen, P. M. (2011). Investigating cognitive and emotive measures affiliated with advertising extreme sports: An analysis of emotion, attitude, sport involvement, and sport participation intention. Theories & Applications the International Edition, 1, 72-78.
  33. Lee, W., Kwak, D., Lim, C., Pedersen, P. M., & Miloch, K. (2011). Effects of personality and gender on fantasy sport game participation: The moderating role of perceived knowledge. Journal of Gambling Studies, 27, 427-441. **
  34. Kwak, D., Lim, C., Lee, W., & Mahan, J. E. (2010). How confident are you to win your fantasy league? Exploring the antecedents and consequences of winning expectancy. Journal of Sport Management, 24(4), 416-433.
  35. Suh, Y., Lim, C., Kwak, D., & Pedersen, P. M. (2010). Examining the psychological factors associated with involvement in fantasy sports: An analysis of participants’ motivations and constraints. International Journal of Sport Management, Recreation, and Tourism, 5, 1-28. **
  36. Lee, W., Lim, C., & Pedersen, P. M. (2010). Stress and commitment in sport organization employees: An analysis of the moderating role of stress buffers on job stress and organizational commitment. International Journal of Sport Management, 11(2), 227-247. **
  37. Lim, C., Martin, T., Kwak, D. (2010). Examining television consumers of mixed martial arts: The relationship among risk-taking, emotion, attitude, and actual sport media consumption behavior. International Journal of Sport Communication, 3, 49-63.    
  38. Rodenberg, R., & Lim, C. (2009). Payback calls: A starting point measuring basketball referee bias and impact on team performance. European Journal of Sport Management Quarterly, 9(4), 375-387.
  39. Pedersen, P. M., Osborne, B., Whisenant, W., & Lim, C. (2009). An examination of the perceptions of sexual harassment by sport print media professionals. Journal of Sport Management, 23(3), 335-360.     
  40. Lee, W., Laucella, P. C., Lim, C., & Fielding, L. (2009). The role of media coverage in the globalization of little league baseball. Journal of Youth Sport, 4(2), 21-26.
  41. McDaniel, S, R., Lim, C., & Mahan, J. E. (2007). The role of gender and personality traits in response to Ads using violent images to promote consumption of sports entertainment. Journal of Business Research, 60(6), 606-612.
  42. McDaniel, S. R., Lee, S., & Lim, C. (2001). Re-examining the relationship between fantasy and optimum stimulation levels. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 20(4), 247-354.
  43. Lim, C., Turco, D. M., & Wachter, C. (2001). Comparison of leisure constraints for Korean and U. S. Generation X. Journal of the International Council for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport and Dance, 37(3), 57-64.
  44. Lim, C., & Turco, D. M. (1999). The next generation in sport: Y. Cyber-Journal of Sport Marketing, 3(4).
  45. Turco, D. M., & Lim, C. (1998). Green and gold: Tourism relations between the Green Bay Packers and the host community, Cyber-Journal of Sport Marketing, 2(3).
[Book, Book Chapter]
  1. Lee,S., Lim, C., Lee, S., & Hong, J. (2017) Shank, Sport Marketing: Translated book  
  2. Sport management (ASSM): Chapter on Consumer Behavior (submitted)
  3. Sport Safety Manual (15 volumes)
[Referred National & International Conference]
  1. Yang, H. W., Li, S. S., Song, S. M., & Lim, C. H. (2021, June). Emergency purchasing situation of home training Equipment on decision-making process during the COVID-19 in China. Presented at the annual conference of North American Society for Sport Management.\
  2. Oh, I., Ock, D. K., Lee, T. H., & Lim, C. H. (2021, June). Fans’ forgiveness intentions toward Underdog and Top-dog athletes in response to transgression type. Presented at the annual conference of North American Society for Sport Management.
  3. Chang, J. S., Oh, I. A., Kim, J, H., & Lim, C. H. (2021, June). The differential effects of team performance on current and throwback team apparel. Presented at the annual conference of North American Society for Sport Management. 
  4. 스포츠 산업에서의 혁신경영을 위한 국내 CSR의 주요이슈 분석. 한국스포츠 산업경영학회 춘계학술대회 (2019)
  5. 연구윤리의 범위와 당면과제. 한국무용학회 (2019)
  6. 임충훈 (2017). 4차 산업혁명과 스포츠산업. 2017스포노믹스 포럼. Keynote Speech.
  7. 임충훈 (2017). 지역사회 공헌을 위한 스포츠 정책과제. 전국체전기념 55회 한국체육학회 학술대회. Keynote Speech
  8. Oh, I., & Lim, C. (2016). Study of A-board effects exposure on explicit and implicit memory in on-line sport game. Asian Society for Sport Management.
  9. Song, S., & Lim, C. (2016). Examining the effect of emotion and visual attention on consumers’ responses to A-board advertising. KAHPERD International Congress
  10. Paek, B., & Lim, C. (2016). Examining the mediating impact of relationship quality on consumption intention: In the case of Korean professional volleyball. KAHPERD International Congress
  11. Lim, C., Kim, H., & Eun, H. (2016). Examining the influence of perceived risk and consumer personality on sport apparel purchase within the context of gift giving. North American Society for Sport Management Conference.  
  12. 임충훈 (2016). 체육계 4대악 개선을 위한 정책분석. 한국체육학회 비정상의 정상화 특별프로젝트 공청회
  13. 임충훈 (2016). 체육계 비정상의 정상화를 위한 정책평가. 2016 한국스포츠과학자 통합학술대회 (Keynote Speech)
  14. 임충훈 (2016), 동계생활 스포츠 저변확대를 위한 참여환경 구축방안, 2016 한국체육학회 동계스포츠 진흥 세미나 (Keynote Speech)
  15. Lim, C. (2016). 스포츠도시 서울건설: 체육정책의 혁신과 발전, 한국여가레크레이션 학회 (Keynote Speech)
  16. Lim, C., Kim, K., & Cheong, Y. (2015). Factors affecting sportswear buying behavior: A comparative analysis of luxury vs. regular brands of sportswear. Global Fashion Marketing Conference.  
  17. Lim, C., Song, S., Oh, I., & Paek, J. (2014). Structural model of sport consumption motivation: In the case of MMA industry. KAHPERD International Congress.
  18. Chung, J., Lim, N., Lim, C., Lee, W. (2014). Examining the antecedents of writing Electronic Word of Mouth (EWOM) among golf product consumer. North American Society for Sport Management Conference.  
  19. Hwang, H., Lim, C., Williams, A., Choi, W., & Walsh, P. (2013). A conceptual modeling of sport-related smartphone applications. Sport Marketing Association.
  20. Chung, J., Lim, C., Lee, W., & Lee, M. (2013). Examining the antecedent of using EWOM among golf product consumers. Sport Marketing Association.
  21. Lee, M., Lim, C., & Williams, A., (2013). Framing and priming effect of commentary on audience perception: The moderating role of sport nationalism. (Re)-Discovering Sport in Korea.
  22. Hur, Y., Lee, W., Lim, C., & Kim, D., (2012). A mediating role of trust between involvement and attitude towards a banner ad on a sport website. Sport Marketing Association.
  23. Yoo, S., Lim, C., & Pedersen, P. M. (2011). Managing potential negative effects from sport consumption: A cross-cultural examination of the role of non-violent mediated sports on youth aggression reduction. European Association for Sports Management.
  24. Chung, J., Lim, C., Pedersen, P. M., & Walsh, P., (2011). Electronic Word-of-Mouth (EWOM) messages and sporting goods: Investigating the effects of eWOM messages on purchase intentions and credibility. European Association for Sports Management.
  25. Kim, H., Williams, A., Lim, C., Kim, D., & Choi, W., (2011). The relationship between fans’ interest and media coverage: Through classification of the MLB rivalry types. European Association for Sports Management.
  26. Burch, L, Frederick, E., Chung, J, Lim, C., & Pedersen, P. M., (2011). Sport, entertainment, and desensitization of violent media: A cross-cultural analysis of the moderating effects of non-violent media. North American Society for Sport Management Conference.
  27. Kang J., Lim, C., Martin, T., & Pedersen, P. M. (2010). Examining antecedent factors of sport consumption motivation: Personality, normative beliefs, and fan identification in the sport industry. European Association for Sports Management.
  28. Lee, W., Hur, Y., & Lim, C. (2010). Sport website advertising: The impact of congruity and endorsement on the effectiveness of banner advertising. European Association for Sports Management.
  29. Kang, J., Lim, C., Lee, W., Pedersen, P. M., (2010). Balancing promotion and social responsibility by sport management professionals: Investigating the potentially negative influence of viewing mediated sport violence. European Association for Sports Management.
  30. Chung, J., Lim, C., Frederick, E., & Lee, W., (2010). Investigating influence of past athletic experience and knowledge on attitude, credibility, expertise, and trustworthiness, and future search intention. North American Society for Sport Management Conference.            
  31. Kwak, D., Lim, C., & Pedersen, P. M. (2010). Influence of gender and intense imagery on mental imagery processing of advertisement promoting violent entertainment. Consumer Psychology Conference.
  32. Suh, Y., Lim, C., Pedersen, P. M., & Bae, W. (2009). Gender differences on Constraints of Fantasy Sports Participants, Sport Marketing Association.
  33. Martin, T., Lim, C., Lee, Y. (2009). Examining the mediating role of emotions of MMA consumption: The relationship among risk taking, emotion, attitude, and actual consumption behavior. Sport Marketing Association.
  34. Lim, C., Suh, Y., Kang, J., Pedersen, P. M. (2009). Social responsibility and sport management practices: Examining the impact of viewing televised sporting events of a violent nature. European Association for Sports Management.
  35. Pedersen, P. M., Osborne, B., Whisenant, W., & Lim, C. (2009). Professionals’ perception of sexual harassment: An analysis of journalists in the sport industry. North American Society for Sport Management Conference.           
  36. Suh, Y., Lim, C., Bae, W., & Pedersen, P. M. (2009). Perceived service quality and motivation of fantasy sports participants. North American Society for Sport Management Conference.
  37. Lee, W., & Lim, C. (2009). The moderating role of sport service type on the relationship between ad message type, service trial promotion and consumers’ ad responses. North American Society for Sport Management Conference.
  38. Lee, W., Kwak, D., Lim, C., & Miloch, K. (2008). Investigating the roles of personality and demographic variables in predicting the consumption of fantasy game. Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication.
  39. Suh, Y., Miloch, K., & Lim, C. (2008). What psychological factors underline in fantasy sports participants: Uses and gratifications and sport fan motivation inquiry. North American Society for Sport Management Conference.
  40. Kwak, D., Lee, W., Mahan, J., & Lim, C. (2008). How confident are you to win your fantasy league: Exploring the antecedents and outcomes of winning expectancy. North American Society for Sport Management Conference.
  41. Lee. W., Pedersen, P., & Lim, C. (2008). Stress buffers as moderators on job stress and organizational commitment relations among college sport organization employees. College Sport Research Institute Conference. 
  42. McDaniel, S. R., & Lim, C. (2007). Examining the influence of personality and the structural characteristics of EGMs on emotional response of social gamblers: The potential effects of sensation seeking and specific visual elements of a computer-mediated slot machine. National Responsible Gambling Conference.
  43. Lim, C., & McDaniel, S. R. (2007). Investigating the heterogeneity of gambling and the heterogeneity of gamblers in predicting gambling participation: Demographics, gambling diagnostics, and personality in preferences for continuous and discontinuous gambling forms. National Responsible Gambling Conference.
  44. Lim, C., Kwak D., & McDaniel, M. R. (2006). Effects of consumers’ optimum stimulation levels on gambling involvement and participation: A study in Korea. North American Society for Sport Management.
  45. Lim, C., Mahan, J. E., & McDaniel, S, R. (2005). The role of Personality in response to Ads using violent images to promote consumption of sports entertainment. Consumer Personality & Research Conference.
  46. McDaniel, S. R., Lim, C., & Lee, S. (2001). Optimum stimulation levels and the sport media audience. North American Society for Sport Management Conference.
  47. McDaniel, S. R., & Lim, C. (2000). Optimum stimulation levels and the use of sport media: Investigating the influence of sensation seeking and need for cognition on sport media audiences. North American Society for Sport Management.
  48. Turco, D. M, & Lim, C. (1997). Comparison of leisure lifestyles among American and Korean generation X. International Council for health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport & Dance World Congress.
  49. Turco, D. M., & Lim, C. (1997). Investigating the economic impact of Green Bay Packers. North American Society for Sport Management.
[Referred Regional Conference]
  1. Lim, C., McDaniel. S. R., & Ryan, J. (2006). Investigating the potential moderating effects of gender and personality of consumers’ emotional responses to computer-mediated gambling. University of Maryland College Research Interaction Day.
  2. Lim, C. (1998). A comparison of leisure lifestyles among American and Korean College Students in U. S. Illinois State University Graduate Research Symposium.
Grants and Honorariums
  1. Lim, C. (2017-2018). Sponsorship effectiveness research using Eye-tracking method. Korea Research Foundation
  2. Limc (2015). Sport City Seoul- Future strategic and managerial directions, City of Seoul
  3. Lim,C. (2014). Sport Safety Manual, Korea Sport Safety Foundation
  4. Lim, C. & Walsh, P. T. (2011, Spring). Cross-cultural examination of the influence of ethnocentrism and personality on cognitive and emotional response to TV commercials. Office of the Vice President for International Affairs, Indiana University. Funded Amount: USD 3,000.
  5. Lim, C., Pedersen, P. M., & Kang, J. (2008, Summer). The study of media violence prevention: Investigating the moderating influence of non-violent media content on youth aggression and developing the web-based aggression measurement program. A cross-cultural study in Korean and the U.S. Global Research Network Program, Funded Amount: USD 216,600.
  6. Lim, C., & Pedersen, P. M. (2008, Spring). The study of the effects of sport media violence on young population: Investigating the influence of consumption of sport media violence on the psychological wellbeing of young people. Faculty Research Support Program (FRSP) from the Office of the Vice Provost, Proposed Amount: USD 60,668. *Unfunded
  7. Lim, C. (2008, Summer). The study of role of NCAA in intercollegiate sports. Next Generation Sport Talents (NEST), Funded Amount: USD 5,000.
  8. City of Eureka Tourism Project (1997) – Received research assistantship
  9. Hoffman Park Districts Survey (1998) – Received research assistantship