스포츠 미디어, e스포츠, 디지털스포츠, 스포츠 커뮤니케이션, 스포츠 광고/홍보, 스포츠 빅데이터
- 스포츠미디어, e스포츠의 이해, 기계체조, 스키
- 서울대학교 체육교육과 학사
- University of Missouri-Columbia, 언론학(Journalism) 석사
- The University of Texas at Austin, 광고학(Advertising) 박사
- 現 (사)한국스포츠미디어학회 부회장
- 現 (사)한국스포츠산업경영학회 부회장
- 現 (사)한국체육학회 이사
- 前 서울대학교 글로벌사회공헌단 부단장
- 前 Middle Tennessee State University, 언론학부 조교수
- 前 University of Hartford, 커뮤니케이션 학부 조교수
(selected publication)
<저서 및 북 챕터>
- 김기한 이승애 이민호 (2022). 이스포츠 인사이트. 한울아카데미. https://m.blog.naver.com/hanulnew/222830860172
- 김기한 외 (2022). 스포츠커뮤니케이션 인사이트. 한울아카데미. ISBN 13: 9788946073647, ISBN 10: 8946073640. https://book.naver.com/bookdb/book_detail.nhn?bid=22301029
- Gang, Alex, Kihan Kim, Sunghwan Byun and Paul Pedersen (2022), “Utilizing Critical Ethnography to Understand the Impact of COVID-19 on the Structure of Elite Soccer in Korea” in P.M. Pedersen (Ed.), Research Handbook on Sport and COVID-19 (Ch. 34, pp. 424-432). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Edgar. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4337/9781802207576.00045
- Kim, Kihan (2021), “Journals” in Paul M. Pedersen (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Sport Management, Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc. (pp. 273-274). https://www.elgaronline.com/view/nlm-book/9781800883277/9781800883277.xml
- Kim, Kihan and Yeayoung Noh (2019), “Sports and the Media: A Constantly Evolving Relationship,” in Harry Hyungil Kwon (Ed.), Sport Marketing, Seoul, Korea: Epress.
- Kim, Kihan and Kimoon Lee (2014), “The Sports Broadcasting Market in Korea,” in Young Hoon Lee and Rodney Fort (Eds.), The Sports Business in The Pacific Rim: Economics and Policy (pp 83-102), Springer.
- Kim, Kihan and Lira Yun (2013), “Enjoyment from Watching Mediated Sports: Four Conceptual Frameworks to Understand the Enjoyment Construct,” in P.M. Pedersen (Eds), Handbook of Sport Communication, Chapter 31 (pp. 310-318), New York, NY: Routledge.
- Hur, Chan Hyeon and Kihan Kim* (2022, OpenAccess), “The anticipated legacies of mega sporting events: An econometric analysis of Olympic announcement effect on the real estate market in small communities,” Applied Economics, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/00036846.2022.2118223.
- Lee, Buyeong, Kihan Kim* and Yeayoung Noh (2022), “The Effect of Servicescape in Professional Baseball Stadium on Spectator’s Satisfaction and Repatronage Intention,” International Journal of Human Movement Science, 16(3), 15-29.
- Kim, Hyuksoo, Kihan Kim and Yunjae Cheong (2022), “Understanding the Role of Construal Level in Time-Restriction,” International Journal of Advertising, 41(7), 1382-1407. Published Online February 2022. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/02650487.2021.2022290
- Kim, Kihan, Hojun Sung, Yeayoung Noh and Kimoon Lee (2021), “Broadcaster Choice and Audience Demand for Live Sport Games: Panel Analyses of the Korea Baseball Organization,” Journal of Sport Management, 36(5), 488-499. DOI: 10.1123/jsm.2020-0311
- Noh, Yeayoung, Hyuksoo Kim, Kihan Kim and Yunjae Cheong* (2021), “The Relationship Between Consumer Engagements with Super Bowl Ad Tweets and the Advertisers’ Official Twitter Accounts: A Panel Data Analysis of 2019 Super Bowl Advertisers,” International Journal of Advertising, 40(6), 852-869. DOI: 10.1080/02650487.2020.181900
- Yun, Lira, Kihan Kim and Yunjae Cheong* (2020), “Sports Sponsorship and the Risks of Ambush Marketing: The Moderating Role of Corporate Reputation in the Effects of Disclosure of Ambush Marketers on Attitudes and Beliefs Towards Corporations,” International Journal of Advertising, 39(7), 921-942. DOI: 10.1080/02650487.2019.17109
- Ryu, Yoonji, Kihan Kim*, Jongwon Paik and Yunjae Cheong* (2019), “Determinants of Audience Demand for the Televised Professional Baseball Matches in Korea: An Analysis of the Post-Season Matches from 2008 to 2016,” International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 20(1), 184-202. DOI: 10.1108/IJSMS-12-2017-0127.
- Kim, Kihan, Yunjae Cheong and Hyuk Soo Kim (2017), “User-Generated Product Reviews on the Internet: The Drivers and Outcome of the Perceived Usefulness of Product Reviews,” International Journal of Advertising, 36(2), 227-245.
<국내 학술지>
- 노예영 김기한* 류윤지 (2022), “메가 스포츠이벤트의 사회적 시청 행동 연구: 2018 평창 동계올림픽 트위터 메시지 속성과 온라인 커뮤니케이션 행동 분석,” 한국스포츠산업경영학회지, 27(6), 108-128, DOI: 10.31308/KSSM.27.6.108.
- 김종호 김기한* (2022), “올림픽 시청의 사회자본 형성 효과: 사회적 대화의 매개효과와 종목 다양성의 조절효과,” 한국스포츠사회학회지, 35(1), 71-89, DOI : 10.22173/ksss.2022.35.1.5.
- 한규현 김기한 류윤지* (2021), “프로축구 K리그 경기의 관람 수요 결정요인: 경기별 관중 수와 온라인 하이라이트 조회수에 영향을 미치는 요인 분석,” 한국스포츠산업경영학회지, 26(5), 81-95, DOI: 10.31308/KSSM.26.5.81.
- 김종호 김기한* (2021), “유튜브 스포츠 영상 콘텐츠의 소비 결정 요인: 다층회귀모형을 통한 빅데이터 분석,” 한국스포츠산업경영학회지 26(3), 28-51, DOI: 10.31308/KSSM.26.3.28.
- 김종호 김기한* (2021), “이단계 군집분석을 활용한 유튜브 스포츠 콘텐츠 특성 분석: 유튜브 스포츠 채널 빅데이터를 중심으로,” 한국체육학회지, 60(3), 41-59, https://doi.org/10.23949/kjpe.2021.
- 노예영 김기한* (2020), “트위터에 반영된 2018 평창 동계올림픽의 사회적 시청 이슈 분석: 구조적 주제 모형(Structural Topic Modeling)의 적용, 한국스포츠산업경영학회지, 25(6), 1-17, http://dx.doi.org/10.31308/KSSM.25.6.1.
- 허찬현 김기한* (2020), “2018 평창동계올림픽 개최 발표가 지역 부동산 가격에 미치는 영향: 이중차이분석 (Difference-in-Difference Analysis)을 이용한 올림픽 개최 효과 검증,” 한국스포츠산업경영학회지, 25(4), 79-95.
- 김기한 김종호 (2019), “올림픽의 사회적 소통유발 효과: 2016 리우하계올림픽 온라인 언론보도와 댓글 분석,” 한국스포츠산업경영학회지, 24(1), 15-30.
- 이주호 김기한* (2019), “스포츠용품 브랜드 SNS 광고의 크리에이티브 전략에 대한 효과 분석 Facebook 광고를 중심으로,” 한국광고홍보학보, 21(1), 69-102.
- XN Ma, Y Rye, HY Sung, DC Lee, YS Kim (June 2022) Associations of Physical Activity, Mental Health, And Quality of Life With Sarcopenic Obesity In Elderly. 2022 The international conference of ACSM, San Diego, USA
- YM Han, DC Lee, YS Kim (June 2022) Effects an Online Weight Management Program on Weight and Physical activity changes. 2022 The international conference of ACSM, San Diego, USA
- Y Ryu, DC Lee, YS Kim (June 2022) Association Between the Status of Sarcopenic Obesity and Osteoarthritis Using The KNHANES 2014-2019 Data. 2022 The international conference of ACSM, San Diego, USA
- JY Yoon, DC Lee, YS Kim (June 2022) Associations Between Physical Activity, Resting Heart Rate, and Metabolic Syndrome in Korean Adults. 2022 The international conference of ACSM, San Diego, USA
- G Kim, H Sung, Y Ryu, J Lim, J Kim, HK Kim, YS Kim (March 2022) Accelerometer-measured stepping cadence patterns in Korean adults: the 2014-2015 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. 2022 The 60th Spring Conference of Korean Society of Sports Medicine, Seoul, Korea
- H Choe, HY Sung, GH Kim, YS Kim* (Nov 2021) Joint Association of Grip Strength and Resting Heart Rate with the Prevalence of Hypertension. Hypertension Seoul 2021, Seoul, Korea
- H Choe, YS Kim*, Hoyong Sung,Geon Hui Kim (Sep 2021) The independent and combined associations of Grip Strength and Resting Heart Rate with the Prevalence of T2DM: the 2014-2019 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. The 59th conference of Korea Sports Medicine, Seoul, Korea
- Y Kim, B Song, G Kim, J Kim, EC Lefferts, D Lee. (August 2021) Association Between Quadriceps Strength And Type 2 Diabetes In Korean Older Adults. 2021 ACSM Annual Meeting & World Congresses. USA.
- G Kim, B Song, J Kim, EC Lefferts, AG Brellenthin, D Lee, Y Kim. (August 2021) Associations Between Relative Grip Strength And Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: The Yangpyeong Cohort Of The KoGES. 2021 ACSM Annual Meeting & World Congresses. USA
- JW Kim, YS Kim, JJ Lim, JS Kim, GH Kim (May 2019) The effects of body composition physical fitness on time of useful consciousness in hypobaric hypoxia. 2019 The international conference of ACSM, Orlando, USA
- YS Kim (May 2019) The Role of Physical Activity on Cancer. The Symposium of Korean Society of Medical Oncology, Seoul, Korea
- JW Oh, YS Kim et al. (Nov 2018) Results from South Korea’s 2018 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth in Asia: Existing Evidence and the way Forward. 2018 international conference of ISBNPA, Hong Kong
- JW Oh, YS Kim et al. (June 2018) Active healthy Kids Report based on Physical Activity for Results from South Korea’s 2018 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth. 2018 international conference of ISBNPA, Hong Kong
- DY Park, YS Kim, (May 2018) The association between relative Muscle strength and hyperuricemia in the Healthy Middle-aged Adults in Yangpyeong Province. 2018 The international conference of ACSM, Minnapolis, USA
- JS Kim, YS Kim, (May 2018) The difference of body composition according to smartphone proficiency in Korean elderly. 2018 The international conference of ACSM, Minnapolis, USA
- YS Kim (Oct 2018) Physical activity on Cancer Continium. . The 54th conference of Korea Sports Medicine, Seoul, Korea
- JS Kim, YS Kim et al.(Mar 2017) The effect short-term strengthening exercise on gait related fitness, depression and hemodialytic efficiency during hemodialysis. The 51th conference of Korea Sports Medicine, Seoul, Korea
- JS Oh, YS Kim et al.(June 2017)The effect of lumbar stability exercise program on sedentary life female, lumbosacral region angle, muscular strength, physical fitness and pain scale. 2017 international conference of ISBNPA, Victoria, Canada
- YS Kim (July 2017) The Application of Physical activity on Clinical study of type 2 DM. The 25thDiabetesstudyWorkshop,Seoul,Korea
- YS Kim (Aug 2017) Physical activity and Public Health. Seminar of KCDC, Osong, Korea
- JS Kim, YS Kim et al.(July 2016) The effect of acute modality on intradialytic Blood Pressure in Hemodialysis Patients. The international conference of ECSM, Vienna, Austria
- JH Bae, YS Kim et al.(Nov 2016) The effects of aerobic exercise in Dementia according to genetic polymorphism. The 50thconferenceofKoreaSportsMedicine,Seoul,Korea
- JS Kim, YS Kim et al.(Nov 2016) The effects of resistance exercise in Hemodialysis Patients on Blood Pressure. The 50thconferenceofKoreaSportsMedicine,Seoul,Korea
- BG Song, YS Kim et al.(Mar 2015) The effects of aerobic exercise on colon transit time. The 47thconferenceofKoreaSportsMedicine,Seoul,Korea
- JJ Lim, YS Kim et al.(Oct 2015) The effects of 12 week exercise on physical activity, ADL, QOL of Prostate cancer patients receiving ADT. The 48thconferenceofKoreaSportsMedicine,Seoul,Korea
- HJ Choi, HJ Kang, YS Kim (June 2015) Wheelchair-based rehabilitation on the physical functions of stroke patients, the international conference of ECSM, Malmo, Sweden
- YJ Jo, YS Kim et al.(Nov 2014) Microscopic colitis is a functional gastrointestinal disorder in Asia?, Asian Pacific Digestive Week 2014, Bali, Indonesia
- SH Ryu, HJ Kwon, YS Kim (Mar 2014) The effect of combined exercise on physical fitness and depression. The 45th conference of Korea Sports Medicine, Seoul, Korea
- YS Kim, JW Oh, HJ Kwon (Nov 2013). The relationship between physical activity and mental health in Korean Adolescents. Asia-pacific Exercise & Sports Science Conference, Asia-pacific Exercise & Sports Science Conference, Taipei, Taiwan
- HG Kim, YS Kim (June 2013). The effects of smartphone application to increase physical activity among university students. Asia-pacific Exercise & Sports Science Conference, Taipei, Taiwan
- JS Oh, YS Kim (Nov 2013). Association between sarcopenic obesity and physical activity in Korean Elderly People. Asia-pacific Exercise & Sports Science Conference, Taipei, Taiwan
- SY Rhi, YS Kim (Mar 2012). The Effect of Arch Rehabilitation Exercise Program on Plantar Pressure and Growth index in Children with Obesity Autistic. The 3rd International Conference on Nutrition and Physical Activity in Aging, Obesity, and Cancer, Seoul, Korea
- JS Oh, YS Kim (Mar 2012). Physical Activity, the Framingham Risk Score and Risk of Coronary Heart Disease in Postmenopausal Women of the 4th Korean national Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. The 3rd International Conference on Nutrition and Physical Activity in Aging, Obesity, and Cancer, Seoul, Korea
- SM Shin, YS Kim (Mar 2012). Association between Physical Activity and Dizziness in Korean Elderly: A Cross Sectional Study on 2009 Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. The 3rd International Conference on Nutrition and Physical Activity in Aging, Obesity, and Cancer, Seoul, Korea
- JW Oh, HJ Kwon, YS Kim (June 2012). Physical activity and its association with academic performance in Korean Adolescent. . Annual meeting of 59th ACSM, San Francisco, California
- SY Rhi, JS Jung, YS Kim (Aug 2012). Analysis of the Isokinetic strength and balance in subjects with a history of ankle sprains and chronic instability youth soccer players. International Conference Sports Science, Mokpo, Korea
- HM Gu, HJ Kwon, SH Yoo, YS Kim (Oct 2012). Exercise study on glucose control of type 1 diabetes. 42th conference of Korean Society of Sports Medicine. Seoul, Korea
- JS Oh, YS Kim (Nov 2011). Physical activity, the Framingham risk score and risk of coronary heart disease in postmenopausal women of the 4rd Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Asia-Pacific Congress of Exercise & Sports Science, Shanghai, China
- JW Oh, HJ Kwon, YS Kim (Nov 2011). Association between levels of physical activity and self-related health in Korean adolescents: the 2009 Korea Youth Risk Behavior. Asia-Pacific Congress of Exercise & Sports Science, Shanghai, China
- SM Shin, JW Oh, SS Woo, SH Yoo, YS Kim (June 2011). Association between physical activity and metabolic syndrome; A cross sectional study in South Korean adult. Annual meeting of 58th ACSM, Denver, Colorado
- YS Kim, YS Park, JP Allegrante, R Marks, HA Ok, DC Lee, CE Garber (June 2011). Trends in physical activity knowledge and predictors related to cancer using Hints data. Annual meeting of 58th ACSM, Denver, Colorado
- Peter, MS Kang, YD Kim, YS Kim(June 2011) Recommended levels of physical activity and metabolic syndrome: Comparison of U.S. and Korean adults. Annual meeting of 58th ACSM, Denver, Colorado
- SY Rhi, HM Gu, HJ Kwon, JS Jeong, SS Woo, YS Kim(June 2011) A study on relationship of back pain prevalence, physical activity type and exercise type in middle-age korean women. Annual meeting of 58th ACSM, Denver, Colorado
- JS Oh, YS Kim(June 2011) Risk factors of coronary artery disease and the participatory level by physical activity type in Korean people Annual meeting of 58th ACSM, Denver, Colorado
- KO Cho, YS Kim (April, 2010) Evaluation of physical development and quality of nutriton intake according to regular exercise in adolescent. 25thKoreanSocietyofExerciseandNutritonconference,SeonmunUniv.Korea
- MR Woo, HJ Kwon, HN Yang, YS Kim (May, 2010) Research about the change in cognitive perceptions by the volunteers in the Beijing Paralympics. 2010 Northeast kinesiology conference, Coex, Seoul, Republic of Korea.
- JW Kim, SA Kong, On Lee, CZ Kim, YS Kim (Aug.2009) Patterns and Interrelationships for meeting Recommendations of Physical Activity, and Sedentary and Dietary Behavior in Elementary School Students. International sports science and sports medicine conference, New Castle, U.K.
- HM Lee, YM Kim, MK Kim, YS Kim, BY Choi, JH Shin (October 2009) Comparison of PA measurement between Accelerometer and Yangpyeong Cohort Physical Activity Questionnare . Korean Society of Preventive Medicine conference. Gwangju, Korea
- YS Kim (November 2008) Medical characteristics of elderly chronic disease for Exercise Prescription. Korean Society of Women Sports conference. University of Seoul, Seoul, Korea
- YS Kim (April 2007) Physical activity and obesity through epidemiologic study. Korean Society of Obesity conference, Lotte Hotel, Seoul, Korea
- SA Kong, SH Yoo, YS Kim (June 2007) The effect of resistance training on physical fitness of stroke Annual meeting of 54th ACSM, New Orleans, Louisiana
- DC Lee, HD Um, IH Park, SY Lee, YS Kim (June 2007), Physical activity and the incidence of type 2 Diabetes in Korean Men and Women. Annual meeting of 54th ACSM, New Orleans, Louisiana
- On Lee, SW Lee, JW Kim, YS Kim (June 2007) Study on Physical Activity Patterns and Level in a Middle-Aged Korean Women. Annual meeting of 54th ACSM, New Orleans, Louisiana
- YS Kim (April 2007) Physical activity and obesity through the epidemiologic studies. Spring conference of Korean Society for the study of obesity. Seoul, Korea
- YS Bang, YS Kim, KT Lee, KW Yang (June 2006) The effects of Ballet Career in the Spinal Muscular Strength. Annual meeting of 53th ACSM, Denver, Colorado
- SW Lee, KB Kim, KD Hong, DC Lee, TW Jeon, YS Kim (June 2006) Estimation of One Repetition Maximum by Anthropometry Measurements in Male Novice Lifters. Annual meeting of 53th ACSM, Denver, Colorado
- DC Lee, JW Oh, H Park, YS Kim (June 2006) Effects of Resistance training and Protein Supplementation on Muscle Strength. Annual meeting of 53th ACSM, Denver, Colorado
- YS Bang, YS Kim, SY Choi, HK Moon, JY Yoon, SJ Kang(June 2005) The effects of Back Strength and Angle of Lordosis on the Lumbar Region. Annual meeting of 52th ACSM, Nashville, Tennessee
- DC Lee, YS Kim, HJ Kang, JH Lee, HS Kwon, KH Yoon, WC Lee (June 2005) The Effects of Exercise and Diet Education on the Metabolic Syndrome and Insulin Resistance. Annual meeting of 52th ACSM, Nashville, Tennessee
- YS Kim (November 2005) Physical characteristics of Women. Annual meeting The Korean Society of Sports Medicine. Seoul, Korea
- YS Kim (April 2005) exercise prescription for diabetes. Spring conference of Korean Diabetes Association. Seoul, Korea
- YS Kim et al. (Nov 2005) The changes of HRV based on low and high intensities of resistance training. 2005 Pre-sea games scientific Congress Asia Pacific Conference on Exercise and Sports Science. Republic of the Philipines
- YS Kim et al. (Nov 2005) The effects of Swimming and Marathon Exercise onHRV. 2005 Pre-sea games scientific Congress Asia Pacific Conference on Exercise and Sports Science. Republic of the Philipines
- YS Kim et al. (July 2004) The effects of different intensity of submaximal exercise on Lipid peroxidation and antioxidant enzymes. ICPE 2004, Hong Kong
- YS Kim et al. (July 2004) Development of web-based educational exercise prescription program model. ICPE 2004, Hong Kong
- YS Kim (April 2003) Exercise prescription for Obesity. The conference of Obesity, Seoul, Korea
[최근 연구과제]
- Co- Investigator, Monitoring Menopause Symptoms of Middle-aged Women and Developing Well Aging Indicator(Index) and Application, Korea Health Promotion Institution (Sep 2022 – Aug 2023) $ 80,000
- Principal Investigator, Training Program for Global Leaders in Sports Science, National Research Foundation of Korea (Sep 2020 – Feb 2023) $ 750,000
- Principal Investigator, Revision of Physical Activity Guidelines for Koreans, Korea Health Promotion Institution (May 2022 – Dec 2022) $ 42,000
- Principal Investigator, A Study on the Development of Customized Exercise Program and Exercise Posture of Muscle Exercise Equipment, Private support project (Mar 2020 – Oct 2020) $ 60,000
- Principal Investigator, Wearable device project. Private support project (Jan 2020-Dec 2020) $30,000
- Co- Investigator, Siheung-Seoul National University Educational Cooperation Support Center. Private support project (Mar 2016-Feb 2019) $600,000
- Principal Investigator, Policy evaluation and activation plan of physical activity for Korean Youth. Ministry for Health & Welfare (July 2018- Nov 2018) $ 50,000
- Principal Investigator, Development of wireless-based multi-channel near infrared spectroscopy system and muscle activity monitoring training system for personalized training. Ministry of Culture, Tourism, Sports. (April 2017- Dec 2018) $ 150,000
- Principal Investigator, Effects of Prehabilitation for Gynecologic cancer surviviors. Korea Sports Promotion Foundation (July.2016-Nov.2018) $50,000
- Investigator, Diagnosis and Improvement Plan of Health Promotion Program for Improving Living Behavior. Private support project (Nov 2016-Dec 2017) $200,000
- Principal Investigator, Development and operation of physical activity activation program for elementary school. Ministry for Health & Welfare (Aug 2016- Dec 2016) $ 50,000
- Co- Investigator, Evaluation and Understanding of Elderly Cognitive function/ Perception/ Motor Ability for Developing Interface in Aging Society. Seoul National University(May 2016-May 2017) $70,000
- Principal Investigator, Development of manual of Health promotion. Yangpyeong province(June, 2015-Sep,2015) $ 20,000
- Co- Investigator, Deveploment of customized health care service of Elderly with U-Health and Wearable device. Seoul National University(June 2014- May 2015) $80,000
- Principal Investigator, National Health Certification Center Model Development. Ministry of Culture, Tourism, Sports. (June 2014- Oct 2014) $ 40,000
- Principal Investigator, Development of physical activity guideline for Koreans. Ministry for Health & Welfare (March 2012- Feb 2013) $ 50,000
- Principal Investigator, Asessment of Physical fitness and physical size for Youth. Ministry of Culture, Tourism, Sports. (July 2015- Nov 2015) $ 40,000
- Principal Investigator, Development of automatic vibration machine for disabled children. Ministry of Culture, Tourism, Sports. (Oct 2011- Dec 2012) $ 40,000
- Principal Investigator, Reliability and Validity test of AIREXER for clinical appliance. Dongsung Company. (Oct 2011-Feb2012) $ 60,000
- Principal Investigator, Supply & management of Health professionals for Health promotion center of National Insurance Corporation, Ministry for Health, Welfare and Family Affairs
- ( August 2009.-July 2011) $ 35 million.
- Co-Investigator, Making management and prevention standards of cancer risk factors. National Cancer Center, Ministry for Health, Welfare and Family Affairs (Dec.2007-Nov.2008) $ 150,000
- Principal Investigator, Effects of regular diet & physical activity management on physiologic & psychologic status of metabolic syndrome. Seoul National University(Sep 2009-Aug 2010) $10,000
- Principal Investigator, Health management of Mirim high school students. Mirim high school, (April 2010-Dec 2010) $15,000
- Principal Investigator, Relationships between physical activity amount and obesity in elementary student. Korea Sports Promotion Foundation (Feb.2007-Nov.2007) $25,000
- Co-investigator, In-depth study of 2005 National Korean adolescent health behavior surveillance, Korean Center for Disease Control, Ministry for Health, Welfare and Family Affairs(Oct.2006-July2007) $50,000
- Principal Investigator, Development of obese children’s fitness improvement exercise program. Seocho public health center (July2007-Sep2007) $10,000
- Co-investigator, Development of elderly exercise program combined health education. Korea Research Foundation (Aug.2007-July2008) $100,00
- Co-investigator, Analysis of Economic effect of regular exercise participation. Korea Sports Promotion Foundation, (Nov.2006-July2007) $ 200,000
- Co-investigator, Study on sports participation of Korean. Ministry of Culture, Tourism, Sports.(May2006-Dec.2006) $150,000
- Co-investigator, Development of Physical activity Questionnaire for Korean adults. Ministry for Health, Welfare and Family Affairs(Dec.2005-Dec.2006) $50,000
- Principal Investigator, Promotion study of walking at worksite. Guro public health center(June2005-Jan.2006) $20,000